Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Please don't contact us!

Well, I tried to contact the most down-to-date emulator site Zophar Net...
But look what happens when you press on "Contact us" using Internet Explorer:

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Maybe they don't like the IE? I tried using Opera:

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Well, at least it works... but maybe I should just exit as perl suggests in the first line... this site is getting more and more dead, no?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

emu noobs: Contribute or what?

This Yuri guy is listed on our contributor list since weeks now. He has not contributed a single noob line of text to our beloved blog. I cannot tolerate this so I must take action. I am sure Nadeiko has his fingers on this one... Yuri, post something or get noobed to hell *g

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Source: emu noobs

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

MAME is Arcade, Arcade is MAME

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The latest MAME release seems to cause a lot of confusion. Our friends from Emu-France didn't even bother to give the release a name. Beware, as Arcade 0.100 has been released!

Source: after 0.99 comes 1.00

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Oh, no - not again. Kojote thinks he is smart by applying mathematics to emulator release numbers. Kojotes brain: "After 0.99 comes 0.100 ? No thats wrong because that would mean 0.10. So the new release must be 1.00. Lets post some news..."

If he would have thrown a closer look at the credited site AEP Emulation Page he would have known better. ;-)


Monday, September 12, 2005

Copy & Paste Madness

Not much going on lately... who can blame Kojote for misspelling the latest Mame U update. There have been more U updates the last two weeks than news at Zophars for the last two months! Talk about progress ;-)

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Friday, September 09, 2005